Malcolm Falconer has had a series of articles published in the New Zealand Doctor.
Download PDF’s of these articles here.
- Introduction – CBT Goes Beyond Behaviourist Models. NZD 6/10/2010 nzd intro cbt
- Use Mind Over Mood to Beat Depression. NZD 3/11/2010 nzd cbt depression
- Caveman Anxiety Keeps Us Jittery. NZD 18/05/2011 NZD cbt anxiety
- When Panic is Overwhelming. NZD 10/10/2011 NZD cbt panic disorders
- Dangers of Grief – Watch Quiet Ones. NZD 23/3/2011 nzd grieftrauma
- DBT: ‘Wastebasket’ Patients’ Salvation. NZD 29/02/2012 NZD DBT article
- When the Drugs Make Sleep Worse. NZD 25/4/2012 NZD sleep meds
- Free CBT e-therapy programme NZD 18/7/2012 NZD CBT e-therapy